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Group 5 Alsdorf
JustMe - 21-10-2007 at 12:32

Hallo dames en heren slotracers:coke:

Met de Alsdorf Revenge Race nog vers in het geheugen kan ik jullie misschien interresseren voor een leuke race, wederom in Alsdorf.
Zaterdag 1 december is er een België vs Nederland wedstrijd op het circuit van Alsdorf, gehouden met Group 5/IMSA GTU/GTO/Silhouette uit de periode 1975 t/m 1984, Big Wheel Race gedoopt.

6 Begische teams zullen het opnemen tegen 6 Nederlandse teams, 2/3 man per team. :car:
En nu: er is nog plaats voor 1 team in het Nederlandse kamp! Dus voor jullie geïnterresseerden: Wees er snel bij en meld je aan via dit topic!

de auto:
Enkel inline chassis, kapgewicht 55 en totaal 185gram
Body's uit de bovengenoemde periode, uitdremelen, verbouwen, resin body's zijn toegestaan.
Lexan ramen en interieur zijn toegestaan C3 motor, sponsbanden, merk vrij. Vrije tandwielverhouding :car::car::car:

Het Nederlands kamp bestaat uit:
1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter en Emily - Ford Mustang
2. RFH 2 Ronald Zaal en Willem Kloppenburg - BMW
3. RFH 3 Tamar Nelwan en Gabriel Inabnit - BMW
4. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs en David de Vos - BMW
5. DART Henry van Gool en - Ford Capri?
6. ????

R-win - 21-10-2007 at 18:53

Wij willen dan wel weer:car:

Het Nederlands kamp bestaat uit:
1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter en Emily - Ford Mustang
2. RFH 2 Ronald Zaal en - BMW
3. RFH 3 Tamar Nelwan en Gabriel Inabnit - BMW
4. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs en David de Vos - BMW
5. DART Henry van Gool en - Ford Capri?
6. WEAM Team Erwin Post/André van der Zee/Hans Lanting Lancia Beta Monte Carlo

Friesland ligt toch (nog) in Nederland?;)

postjp - 21-10-2007 at 21:39


Geldt voor de chassis dat alleen het merk vrij is of ben je ook vrij om er zelf één te maken?
Zou weleens een uitdaging zijn voor een ieder, temeer daar er op carosseriegebied ook al het nodige gemaakt en gegoten wordt.
Een combinatie van bestaande en eigengemaakte onderdelen geeft natuurlijk weer een extra dimensie. Kijken hoe vindingrijk een ieder weer is.
Persoonlijk lijkt het me fantastisch.
Zijn jullie er klaar voor? Ik wel! (maak ik dan één voor het Weam Team? Time will tell!)


postjp - 21-10-2007 at 22:07


over welk type's BMW praten we eigenlijk?
Op de foto staat helemaal links achterin ook een oranje M1 . Is die ook toegestaan dan?


JustMe - 21-10-2007 at 22:26

merk is wel vrij.

Inderdaad alles uit de genoemde periode is toegestaan, dus ook M1's

Leuk dat jullie mee:car:!

Gert - 22-10-2007 at 07:45

Maar de tijd ontbreekt mij om te gaan bouwen
Mischien als instapper bij een team

Greetz Gert

tamar - 22-10-2007 at 10:02

Originally posted by R-win

Friesland ligt toch (nog) in Nederland?;)

Vroeger wel, maar dit jaar bleek dat er onder de slotracende "Friezen" separistische gevoelens leefde. Zo wilden een niet nader te noemen Fries team toch liever onder hun "eigen" vlag aan races deelnemen....:D

Maar ik zal de eerste zijn om deze groep verloren zonen met open armen te ontvangen als zij weer wensen deel te nemen onder de vlag der Nederlanden :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

Ben ten slotte een voorstander van de multi culti samenleving....ook in het slotracen :holy:holy:holy

R-win - 22-10-2007 at 12:40

Een pak van mijn hart.
Toch is de race Nederland - België eigenlijk Fryslân - België waarbij we maar zullen toegestaan dat er een paar Hollanders meerijden. Die Hollanders mogen dan of met de Friezen of met de Belgen meedoen. Eenvoudige keuze lijkt me. Holland is toch dat volgebouwde stuk grond dat tussen het Heitelân en België in ligt? :D
Kan Willem meteen al die rood wit blauwe vlaggetjes vervangen door de Belgische driekleur of de Fryske Pompebledden. :cool:
Zucht..............dream on, dream on.

remco - 22-10-2007 at 15:07

wat voor gert geld voor een belgie team geld ook voor mij
zou graag instappen in een nederlands team

groetjes remco

Sideways - 22-10-2007 at 16:15

Dear all,

Team Sideways would like to join the Gr.5 race.

Onno Griepink & Sergiu Hauer driving the FORD ZAKSPEED CAPRI.
The Body is allready painted, and finished by RFH member/engineer Nick de Wachter.

Echter wat is een C3 motor???


Onno Sideways.

Ps; Nick I need the frontshield streamer, missing in the kit, do you have one?

postjp - 22-10-2007 at 22:21

Kollegae slotracers,

Het is jammer dat er tot op heden niemand het aandurft om ook eens een wedstrijd te organiseren waarbij ook het chassis zelf gefabriceerd mag worden.
Vanuit kostenoogpunt is het niets vergeleken bij de tot in het extreme doorgetrokken fabriceren van o.a. resin carosserieën en zeker niet duurder (ik denk goedkoper) dan de huidige chassis
Het kost idd ook weer tijd en energie, maar de één steekt het liever in het maken van het chassis en de ander in het maken van een carosserie (nog nooit mijn favoriete onderdeel geweest).
Het geeft m.i. een nieuwe dimensie aan het slotracen.

Zijn er überhaupt mensen die zoiets eens willen proberen?

Misschien dan zelf maar eens wat organiseren, waarbij de bouw van het chassis vrij gegeven of voorgeschreven wordt.
Heb daar wel een paar ideeën over, maar of dat op onze eigen baan wordt is dan de vraag (Alsberg?).

Ik hoop op enige reaktie's.


fola - 23-10-2007 at 05:52

only belgians and dutch--- :upset::upset::upset::upset:
now thats not fair!!!!! :(:(:(:(
I wanna :car: too!!!!

fola - 23-10-2007 at 05:59

anybody wish to adopt an angloafroGerman slotter??

Massiven - 23-10-2007 at 07:35

Hey Fola,

under which flagg will you race? :bounc:

de Massiven

MsE - 23-10-2007 at 12:44

Wow! We didn't think we'd get this much respons:car:
We're contemplating a few ideas with our Belgium co-organisers, we'll let you know asap
Technical rules have been updated, check top article at Rules and Regulations


fola - 23-10-2007 at 18:59

Originally posted by Massiven
Hey Fola,

under which flagg will you race? :bounc:

de Massiven

Which ever Flag will have me for a day ;-)

MsE - 24-10-2007 at 01:01

Under the joys of a lot of gin several options were explored by the Belgian co-organisers. Trying to sqeeze everyone in, we came up with the following set-up:

It's still Saturday the 1st of December, a one-day event. But after receiving interests from unexpected angles, we came up with a 4/4/4 solution. That means:

4 Belgian Teams
4 Dutch Teams
4 Outside-entries (So Fola, quick quick before the Germans come :comp: )

1. RFH 1
2. RFH 2
3. Fox Racing
4. Weamteam

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Belgium Team 1
2. Belgium Team 2
3. Belgium Team 3
4. Belgium Team 4

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. French Team 1
2. ???
3. ???
4. ???

Subscribe via this thread. Although some Dutch en Belgian teams are full, there are still a few driver spots available.

For those unfamiliar with the C3 engine, check this link:

Contridicting the first set of rules, there will be no motor or tire handout. Everyone will be using their own motor and rubber, advised rubber/sponge is 45 shore or black magic.
Gear ratio is also free. :car: this has been updated in the rules.

So guys, find some big wheels and pedal to the metal!;)


fola - 24-10-2007 at 08:22

Count me in!!!
The SlotFabrik Racing Team ist am Start!!!
Just need to
:finger: find me a co Driver,
:finger:find me some big wheelz,
:finger:a c3 (?)
:finger: and build us a car

fola - 24-10-2007 at 16:10

1. RFH 1
2. RFH 2
3. Fox Racing
4. Weamteam

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Belgium Team 1
2. Belgium Team 2
3. Belgium Team 3
4. Belgium Team 4

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. French Team 1
2. SlotFabrik Germany
3. ???
4. ???

Can I drive this car??

where can I get a C3 motor??

MsE - 24-10-2007 at 20:03

Hey AngloafroGerman slotter!
Of course you can put your big wheelz under this car :car:

The C3 engine can you find at:

Sideways - 25-10-2007 at 10:08

Hallo Emily,

I placed allready a post for Team Sideways earlier.

Where is the place for Team Sideaway's?

We would like to have a startpossition at this race!
Aswell we are very busy with the Ford.

Onno. (Sideways).

MsE - 25-10-2007 at 17:43

1. RFH 1
2. RFH 2
3. Fox Racing
4. Weamteam

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Belgium Team 1
2. Belgium Team 2
3. Belgium Team 3
4. Belgium Team 4

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. French Team 1
2. SlotFabrik Germany
3. Team Sideways
4. ???

Well well well, who's gonna be that final entry????:comp1::comp1:

postjp - 25-10-2007 at 21:30


can someone tell me the sizes of this C3 engine?

Is it like a Fox or a Bison?


willem - 26-10-2007 at 05:42

Hi Johan,

Long time no see! Why this sudden activitity on the forum? Ar eyou going to build something? Are we going to see you near soon at some track.......would that be a surpise:):):)


sloefspeed - 26-10-2007 at 13:38

Originally posted by postjp

can someone tell me the sizes of this C3 engine?

Is it like a Fox or a Bison?


Johan, it has the outside size and fixing holes of a fox, but it is longer... see picture in the links...?



MsE - 26-10-2007 at 14:18

hey guys, a C3 motor has the same can and dimensions as a NC3 motor.

Hope this helps!:finger:

sloefspeed - 28-10-2007 at 01:07

Update Belgian teams + canceling French team

1. RFH 1
2. RFH 2
3. Fox Racing
4. Weamteam

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. René (Lange) - Robert Massart - ?

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. Z-Machine Philippe Laudet - ? - ?
2. SlotFabrik Germany
3. Team Sideways
4. ???

This means actually still one team can enter

CU there!


janc - 29-10-2007 at 18:45


We would like to participate on the race if possible.
We're a Belgian Team called Team HRT. The pilotes names are: Celis Jan and Philip Vanrutten and the third name will be entered later. The car we would like to use isn't yet decided.
Normally it will be a Ford Capri.

With kind regards
Celis Jan

sloefspeed - 29-10-2007 at 22:09

Update participating teams :

seems like we have a full house...

1. RFH 1 : ? - ? - ?
2. RFH 2 : ? - ? - ?
3. Fox Racing : ? - ? - ?
4. Weamteam : ? - ? - ?

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany : ? - ? - ?
3. Team Sideways : ? - ? - ?
4. HRT : Celis Jan - Philip Vanrutten - ?

The names of the Belgian teams and the missing drivers names will follow shortly

CU @ Alsdorf !


sloefspeed - 12-11-2007 at 22:50

Originally posted by sloefspeed
Update participating teams :

seems like we have a full house...

1. RFH 1 : ? - ? - ?
2. RFH 2 : ? - ? - ?
3. Fox Racing : ? - ? - ?
4. Weamteam : ? - ? - ?

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany : ? - ? - ?
3. Team Sideways : ? - ? - ?
4. HRT : Celis Jan - Philip Vanrutten - ?

The names of the Belgian teams and the missing drivers names will follow shortly

CU @ Alsdorf !


Hi racers,

we are still missing some team names and the all ofthe names for the dutch teams and the german teams, could you please update the list?

CU @ Alsdorf


MsE - 12-11-2007 at 23:44

1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany - Fola Osu, Stephan Baudach Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways - Onno Grieppink, Jurgen Rossenaar, Sergiu Houwer Ford Capri
4. HRT : Celis Jan - Philip Vanrutten - ?

phil_the_spoiler_killer - 13-11-2007 at 07:08

1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

Belgium (full, names will be announced later):
1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (open, free for any team or country):
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany - Fola Osu, Stephan Baudach Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways - Onno Grieppink, Jurgen Rossenaar, Sergiu Houwer Ford Capri
4. HRT (Belgium) : Celis Jan - Philippe Vanrutten - Bart Spapen BMW M1 Procar

@Raymond :

Is the time schedule already known ?


fola - 13-11-2007 at 07:23

MsE, the_spoiler_killer and everyone else....
i missed the request for the drivers names......
SFRT will be - Fola Osu and Stephan Baudach.
Oscar will not be Racing.....

C ya,

MsE - 13-11-2007 at 10:44

At your service!:holy

fola - 13-11-2007 at 10:56

thx sweetie......:D

tamar - 14-11-2007 at 17:52

Hello Guys

Concerning the upcoming Group 5 race in Alsdorf on Dec 1st aka the "Big Wheels Race" aka Belgium vs Holland vs Germany vs Nigeria ;)

Great initiative, this is going to be a nice race I'm sure.....specially as this time I dont have to build a car...I'm "just a driver :D , actually that goes for my whole team :laugh:
But then again, Willem and Gabriel have been busy in Alsdorf updating the racecomputers and hardware, latest Bepfe system, new race module, rewiring the lapcounter etc etc... the works.

But after reading all the post and concidering the fact that "we" the LMC crew have been asked to handle communications with Titanic Bowling I do have some simple questions

Oh by the way, as you may have noticed, as this is now an international event...I've moved the topic to the " English" forum.

MsE - 14-11-2007 at 22:49

Well T, ;)

The people organising this event are:
Hubert Jacob, TC and entree fee collector
Emily and Raymond van Campenhout, race director
Marc Huys, Coordinator

Entry fee has been set at 35 Euros PER TEAM, to be payed during TC at Hubert Jacobs

To inform all of you:
There will be NO training on Friday evening, as there is a company party scheduled then at the Titanic bowling, including on the race track. So NO training on Friday the 30th of November!

Timing “Big Wheel Race”

8h-8h45 training first group of 6 teams
8h45-9h30 training second group of 6 teams
9h30-10h15 training first group of 6 teams
10h15-11h training second group of 6 teams
11h-11h30 technical control any car that is to late at the TC will not be accepted and can not participate at the qualification and will be controlled under racetime!
11h30 qualification 1min/team
12h break for lunch
12h45 start of the first heat with the 6 slowest teams in qualification 13mins/lane 2mins lane change
14h30 start of the second heat with the 6 fastest teams in qualification 13mins/lane 2mins
lane change
16h15 start of the first heat with the 6 fastest teams from results 13mins/lane 2mins lane change
18h00 start of the second heat with the 6 fastest teams from results 13mins/lane 2mins lane change

19h30 prize giving ceremonial
20h-… social evening :D:coke:

Technical rules can be found at "Rules and Regulations". Then second from top; "Big wheels Race Spa".

Hope this pleases the LMC crew :D:D:D


fola - 15-11-2007 at 05:31

well said!!:holy

tamar - 15-11-2007 at 07:43


Tech rules upgraded to Headline Status and event added to the Calendar

fola - 15-11-2007 at 09:31

One more question..... ok... no question.
Please update our Teams configuration.
...... we have been infiltrated.
A Belgian Racer has managed to sneak his way into the SFRT...
A spy (??)

The Team for the gr.5 race will consist of the following Drivers-
1 Fola Osu
2 Stefan Baudach
3 GERT KLINGE (Guest or Spy Driver? :cool::) )


MsE - 15-11-2007 at 10:25

1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (Free for any guests or spies:m16: )
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany - Fola Osu, Stephan Baudach, Gert Klinge Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways - Onno Grieppink, Jurgen Rossenaar, Sergiu Houwer Ford Capri
4. HRT : Celis Jan - Philip Vanrutten - ?


tamar - 15-11-2007 at 11:04

Originally posted by fola

3 GERT KLINGE (Guest or Spy Driver? :cool::) )


Probably a bit of both :D

phil_the_spoiler_killer - 15-11-2007 at 11:35

Origineel gepost door MsE
1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (Free for any guests or spies:m16: )
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany - Fola Osu, Stephan Baudach, Gert Klinge Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways - Onno Grieppink, Jurgen Rossenaar, Sergiu Houwer Ford Capri
4. HRT : Celis Jan - Philip Vanrutten - ?


1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (Free for any guests or spies:m16: )
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany - Fola Osu, Stephan Baudach, Gert Klinge Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways - Onno Grieppink, Jurgen Rossenaar, Sergiu Houwer Ford Capri
4. HRT (Belgium) : Celis Jan - Philippe Vanrutten - Bart Spapen BMW M1 Procar

Gert - 15-11-2007 at 17:30

Origineel gepost door tamar
Originally posted by fola

3 GERT KLINGE (Guest or Spy Driver? :cool::) )


Probably a bit of both :D

I SPY with my little eye but on request i'll be a guest :laugh::laugh:

MsE - 16-11-2007 at 08:57

We have another guest-driver:
Remco van Waaij will assist Fox Racing :car:

1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos, Remco van Waaij BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne
2. Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset
3. Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin
4. Team R² : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral

Out-siders (Free for any guests or spies :m16: )
1. Z-Machine : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt
2. SlotFabrik Germany - Fola Osu, Stefan Baudach, Gert Klinge Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways - Onno Grieppink, Jurgen Rossenaar, Sergiu Houwer Ford Capri
4. HRT (Belgium) : Celis Jan - Philippe Vanrutten - Bart Spapen BMW M1 Procar

fola - 17-11-2007 at 18:57

hi guys.... (GAL),
it's Stefan with an F.....


sloefspeed - 18-11-2007 at 11:44

Hello teams,

this short message to find out if we need to bring any motors with us to the race, or does everybody has C3 motors? Freezslot is not that far from here, so we could bring them along...

CU @ the race


fola - 20-11-2007 at 17:31

What about weights/Ballast?? The rules®s only have info regarding the body weight and the total weight....
or did I miss something ? can one add ballast at all (as is normal) should one happen to be too light??

Does any one have any tips on interior build with the Inliner setup? the dang engine is in the way :-(

Any Progress Pixs or are you all racing "Old" cars that have been seen/raced before ?

What will you be racing?? What is your choice of chassis?? and how does an inliner compare to a sidewinder??

How about posting a few pix of your finished cars / wip's so that we can all see what the starting grid will look like ;-)

Here, i'll set an example.... here are pix of our finished car.......


fola - 20-11-2007 at 17:39

sloefspeed - 20-11-2007 at 19:19

read in between your original lines...

Originally posted by fola

What about weights/Ballast?? The rules®s only have info regarding the body weight and the total weight....
or did I miss something ? can one add ballast at all (as is normal) should one happen to be too light??

Of course you can add ballast, but why would you want to do so? the capri body is just about right as far as weight is concerned... and the chassis are all about at the same weight, between 130 and 140 grams for the complete chassis less the body

Does any one have any tips on interior build with the Inliner setup? the dang engine is in the way :-(

As interior there are plenty of choices in the DiSo range, there is even one especially for Gr2-5, with only rhe front part detailed, and the rear flat

Any Progress Pixs or are you all racing "Old" cars that have been deen before ?

Sorry no pictures yet, the car is actually being painted

What will you be racing?? What is your choice of chassis?? and how does an inliner compare to a sidewinder??

Most popular chassis in Belgium is the Schöler in-line with brass bottomplate. The chassis is of course rather "basic" compared to the side-winder chassis actually running under the FIA GT bodies....but it is fun to drive! Over here they are faster than the FIA-GT's on the easy tracks and about as fast on the more technical tracks.

How about posting a few pix of your finished cars / wip's so that we can all see what the starting grid will look like ;-)

Good idea, once it's painted, I'll post an image

Here, i'll set an example.... here are pix of our finished car.......

looks good, it almost looks like a racecar:car:

Sure hope this helps a bit... Any more questions, shoot...!

CU @ Frodsla


sloefspeed - 20-11-2007 at 19:27

Update teamnames-car bodies
1. RFH 1 Nick de Wachter, Emily Kuipers, Ronald Zaal BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
2. RFH 2 Tamar Nelwan, Willem Kloppenburg, Gabriel Inabnit BMW 320i Turbo (werks)
3. Fox Racing Ton Jacobs, David de Vos, Remco van Waaij BMW 320
4. Weamteam Hans Lanting, Andre van der Zee, Erwin Post Ford Capri

1. Team Sloefspeed : Kristof Huys - Björn Van Campenhout - Gilles Dohogne -- BMW M1
2. EFFEX24 : Hubert Jacob - Alex Vandenbempt - Pascal Closset -- Toyota Celica Torbu
3. BK Racing : Raymond Kühn - Grégoire Hans - Stéphane Martin -- Porsche 935-78
4. Team R³ : René (Lange) - Robert Massart - Fernando Corral -- Porsche 935-78

1. Z-Machine (Europe) : Philippe Laudet - Francis Cathenis - Armin Reichelt -- Lotus Europa
2. SlotFabrik Germany : Fola Osu - Stefan Baudach - Gert Klinge -- Ford Capri
3. Team Sideways : Onno Grieppink - Jurgen Rossenaar- Sergiu Houwer -- Ford Capri
4. HRT (Belgium) : Celis Jan - Philippe Vanrutten - Bart Spapen -- BMW M1 Procar

CU @ the race


fola - 21-11-2007 at 10:58

Thanks for getting back 2 me.....
1 more question. Since I have never built or driven a 1/24th inliner,
I have no idea of how they perform.
How do they compare to our GT cars?? Faster? Slower?

JustMe - 21-11-2007 at 11:14

is comparible with the stiffest setup of a 'normal' chassis
mostly a bit loose at the rear, cause of the chassis stiffness.
The downsides on the chassis is the lack of setup changes one could make and the limited choice of gear ratios.

But since 'the spy' told me you were happy the bodymounts are free, I think you'll be able to get it running :D

tamar - 21-11-2007 at 16:00

Originally posted by sloefspeed
Hello teams,

this short message to find out if we need to bring any motors with us to the race, or does everybody has C3 motors? Freezslot is not that far from here, so we could bring them along...

CU @ the race


Hello Raymond

From what I hear through the Grapevine most teams have bought 1 or 2 motors, but.........
It is always good to have some spares available @ the event, so please ask Willy to give you 4-5 extra motors and bring them allong. I'm he would not mind taking them back if they're unused.