Making a silicon mold is actually a quite easy, be it a little bit messy job.
For the average 1/24 GT you'll need ± 500gr of silicon, 25gr hardner, some sheetplastic, tamiya putty or miliput and some mdf to make a box to
pour the silicon in.
Oh... and some Maskol, very handy stuff!
As the master will be completely submerged in the silicon you need the Sheetplastic to close all openings in the body. Maskol is used to seal the body
and the mdf box.
Miliput rolled into a string is used to temporarely "glue" the master on the "bottom" of the box. This is absolutely nessecaryh because otherwise
the master will start to "float" in the silicon.
Depending on the dimensions of your master, the box should be ± 2cm oversized. If the box is too "tight" the walls of the silicon mold will become
too thin too keep their proper shape. If the box is too big you need much more silicon...which is a waste of money!
Care should be taken when you start pouring the silicon into the mold. Your main concerns will be to prevent air pockets. Pour slowly so the silicon
can flow slowly around the master pushing away the air as the level rises.
Brushing the tricky areas like the headlamps and grille with silicon before pouring also helps to iliminate airpockets.
And just as the roof goes under..... I ran out of silicon. Should this happen, no problem...just mix some more and continue pouring!
If you're completely out of silicon and the shops are closed!!! Just let the silicon set (takes ± 12- 16hrs)which should be more than enough
time to buy some new. Mix the last part and then continue pouring on top of the hardened silicon!
Ik kan niet wachten op het resultaat! Is het de bedoeling om in die mal
uiteindelijk lexans te maken of een ander soort hard plastieken body?
Binnenkort kan je dus een klein viper fabriekske starten in A'dam!!
Ik hoop dat je snel weer nieuwe foto's post,
Groeten uit Belgie,
when can we see the rest?
The endresult is already there! We've been driven this car a month ago in Leeuwarden. Check out the pics in the gallery.
Yeah i know, I was where with Hernik from Denmark and the other guy's from here.
But i will like to se some pictures of how he was making the mold of the car,
How he put glasfiber in it or what els he uses.
Regards Jan