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Introduction of the GOLD TOUR
willem - 21-10-2005 at 09:00


After a lot of debate we decided to introduce a completely new ranking in which only veteran slotracers can take part:

Criteria to enter the GOLD TOUR
1) At least 5 wins in International sprint or endurance events in the last 10 years
2) At least 35+

For all other applicants the GOLD TOUR board decides.

GOLD TOUR members can earn points an all types of events. The amount of points earned will be based on a set of variables drawn up by the GOLD TOUR board.

On the GOLD TOUR page you view the rankings. Potential participants can fill out there application form and send this to the GOLD TOUR board.

Current members are:
Tamar Nelwan
Willem Kloppenburg

Potential participants
Johan Post
Hans Lanting
Erwin Boerse
Gabe Inhabit

tamar - 21-10-2005 at 09:14


I am honoured to have been invited to join the Gold Tour, but dear Willem although I know that we both comply with requirement 2, do we with requirement 1?!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

Or did I just screw up your ranking system:holy:holy:holy
Better make that National wins:D


willem - 21-10-2005 at 09:25

Dear GOLD TEAM member,

Thank you for your reaction.
LMS wins are International events too!

remco - 21-10-2005 at 11:01

what dit willem win in the last ten years:D:D:D:bounc::bounc:

Gert - 21-10-2005 at 16:35

You call yourself a veteran ???? I would place you with the youngsters, the way you run any track there would be no doubt about that.
What I just wonder when you are over the 45+ could those veteranracers also participate only with filling in that form. :laugh::laugh::laugh:.
Is first in concourse also counting :D:D
Greetz Gert

willem - 21-10-2005 at 16:45

To all potential GOLD TOUR gunners!!

The application form is not ready yet but soon will be...
The entrance rules are NOT completely clear yet.....but don't worry:D:D:D The board will make sure every applicant will get a fair treatment when it comes down to validating his or her application.


2h - 21-10-2005 at 20:20

Does winning something in an other country than Holland also count??

gabe2001 - 22-10-2005 at 09:28

that the rules will constantly change and it really only depends on your face :laugh::laugh::laugh:

ramtech - 22-10-2005 at 10:53

he that sounds familiar;)

Gert - 24-10-2005 at 15:08

Just wonder why they didn't call it the Gray Tour

ramtech - 24-10-2005 at 19:22

no gray hair here:laugh:

Gert - 25-10-2005 at 21:20

Sorry Electroneutje your Gold anyway :laugh::laugh:

team skrotspeed - 2-11-2005 at 13:18

Could I participate with silver/platin hair in the gold tour

Peter C
Member of the famous VIKINGS from Denmark

Keld Hoefler - 4-11-2005 at 13:42

Originally posted by 2h
Does winning something in an other country than Holland also count??

Why? does it make a diffenrence for you ;););)

willem - 7-11-2005 at 15:18

Please check out the new gold tour page. Updates on the content will follow shortly
You can use the menu as well!
