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Anyplace to race in Amsterdam/Hilversum
rallyper - 11-10-2005 at 19:52

Hi, is there any place open tomorrow or thursday, I'm presently in Hilversum until friday

Bas - 11-10-2005 at 20:01

Sure thing,

The track in Amsterdam noord is open on wednesday evenings.
Have fun there


rallyper - 11-10-2005 at 21:05

where do i find it

2h - 11-10-2005 at 22:32

I can vouch for Rallyper - he's a great guy and some (Bas, Tamar, Gabe) may remember him from Neumünster.

Hotslot Noord
Zamenhofstraat 124b
1022 AC Amsterdam

Ring Amsterdam Noord
Afslag S116, richting noord/centrum
Bovenaan de afslag stoplichten linksaf, richting centrum/noord
Afslag Noord/industrie
Passeer groen BP benzinestation
Bovenaan weer links
Op rotonde af, rechtdoor er over
Rechtdoor rijden, met weg mee naar links
Duik je voor het grote gebouw linksaf (Auto Fatim)
Over stalen plaat, rechtsaf
In het donkere hoekje, nr. 124 b

CarreraHenk - 12-10-2005 at 08:18

The route description is good. If you get on an industrial area don't think your lost, you should be close:D Also there will be some maintenance on the roads so be carefull with speedlimits. Maybe good to know that the usage of ortman tires is highly recommended because of grib conditions and the fact that using any oil or whatever on sponge tires is not allowed.