Take a look at this. Nice new chassis from M. Niemas. I wander when it becomes available on the market. As far as I've understood you can only get it when you are an IMCA member. Motor bracket looks nice as well!
Looks nice, and I am a great fan of Michael's - but where's the big difference to a Plafit SLP2??
There is no difference between this chassis and the PlaFit SLP2 with Slottech carbon parts and Dieter Jens motor bracket! Anyone can put the chassis
together by buying the parts.
But it looks nice, however to call it a NEW chassis is a bit of an over statement in my book!
I am really excited about is the MN 1a Imca chassis..
you really need to check it out, it is the most innovative piece of rocket science ( read BS ) i have ever seen! and there is all this talk about theft of intellectual rights
...The next chassis I make will be called the FO1bs-
wait a min.... I MustCleanAss..
ok and i think I will get the components direct from HT , Slottec and
instead of copying... I mean stealing ;-)
There is no difference... Its just a pimped out SLP2 chassis that weighs about 5-8 g less than the standard version (=170- 175g).. it will be sold
exclusively to ANYBODY willing to pay for it.
As I stated in the very first post......Very, very interesting
Fola, you have a great diplomatic career infront of you
I have GOT to get me one of those!!!