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DPM 2007, and the winner is.....
fola - 30-9-2007 at 06:10

Massiven - 30-9-2007 at 19:00

hi there,

just for information. ACR Racing is Psycho's new Team. OH? Don't know who Psycho is? Well that's Ralf Seif :cool:.


p.s.: we finished 39th and got 2nd in the B-Series, not really the rank I hoped to reach :toilet:.

tamar - 1-10-2007 at 09:46

Hello Mike, Hello Fola

First off all thx for the updatez and pictures on the Duetsche Plafit Meisterschaft.

Congratulations to Ralf & co on winning the DPM, looks like it was a very close race (just one lap between #1 & #2) :holy:holy:holy Only why did he hange his team name? He's stil Psycho :laugh:

Anyhow, good to see some more friends in the top 5, Well done Ivan (Cric crac 3rd) and Andreas (Kraner Racing 5th) and for your first entry, well done Fola (SG Stern 15th)

P.s Hey Mike, so now you've got a DP Meister as a team mate :D Looking forward to see you guys in a coupple of weeks.