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  Team Modena heads for Alsdorf
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Team Modena/Dutch Age Racing has refreshed its car for their 3rd appearance at the Spa track in Alsdorf. Still clad in Le Mans 2006 colors the Aston Martin has been thouroughly tested on the wooden sixlaner in Almere. Highly motivated teamcaptain Henry van Gool decided they needed something "extra" to express their high hopes for the race.

Besides yellow headlights the DBR9 now runs position lights on both sides!? In the LM 24 hours these lights which can be turned on and of during the race by the race organisation. It is a service to the spectators to follow and identify the cars in their current race position. All cars carry three lights for the positions 1,2,3.
Maybe a prediction but we put in just one light at every side of the car. But how do we get a "smal" light in?
Wel, with some help of Inabnit lightning consultancy.

Let us start with the lights. How the hell do we get these tiny things connected to a wire? In the black film are 4 lights. Do you see???

To get hold to the light I used some doubleside tape. At first you need to put some soldering tin on both sides (left and right) of the lights. When you use a strong glas, you can see on the left and right side a very very small place to put some tin on. I use a soldering bolt with a pointer which is larger than the light itself.

It is not easy. I lost two lights; one in the soldering tin and one was vanished in the heat.
Just try and make the best of it.

Happy me.

First test with running car.

Eventually the lights went in the right wholes in the body of the car and as you can see, they work fine.

And the winner takes it all.

Now looking forward to the race next sunday at the Spa track.


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